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Зимний пейзаж


  • New job, new business

  • New project

  • New direction

What you wanted, what you aspired to for a year or even a few years, what you worked hard and invested extra efforts for has finally happened. Now this project, business, or position is yours.

Or it came unexpectedly, a godsend without you even asking for it just because someone has decided that you are ready for a new challenge.

Anyway, now you have a new area of responsibility, but you are not confident enough with it.

You have to meet some expectations and prepare a number of strategies:

  1. General strategy and goals.

  2. Strategy for working with stakeholders.

  3. Teamwork strategy.

  4. And so on.


All this is clear, but how can you find the strength to do everything, find time to think about everything, and not drown in the routine?

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How can a coach help here?

 A coach focuses on helping the client to do the following:

  1. Put everything on the table, talk through every worry and every important thing;

  2. Set long-term and medium-term goals;

  3. Get an overall idea of milestones and performance criteria for achieving them;

  4. Define key priorities;

  5. Determine key resources required and how they can be obtained;

  6. Provide support with a focus not only on what still needs to be done but also on how much has already been done, stating that the client deserves to be where they are now;

  7. Rejoice in successes and empathize with challenges that always emerge but you transform into a Hero in your Hero’s Journey.



Coaching as an aid in setting and achieving goals is recommended for the long term. The sessions can be either weekly or biweekly

Coaching Intro Session 

‌Duration: 30 minutes. 
Online (Telegram, Zoom, Google Meet)

Price: $10.

Outcome Based Coaching for your Big Goals

Duration:‌ 10-30 sessions

Price: Negotiable

Schedule: by agreement during 1-st session

Pack of 10 coaching sessions "Let's do it finally!"

‌Duration: ‌10 sessions.

‌Price: $400  

‌Schedule: by agreement during 1-st session

You can pay for coaching package by clicking the "Pay" buttons below

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